
View breaking news and unbiased analysis on Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market from BeInCrypto, the only ad-free media in the blockchain industry.
9 min read
Find a fine line between the amount and type of Ads that sufficiently revenueable and the needs of users for a convenient, trusting and informative media resource.
UX/UI Designer, UX Researcher
session duration
bounce rate
Project goals and objectives
Increase the media site's revenue from Ads, through improvement of UX and product metrics, due to UX improvements for the Media platform user audience.
My role
UI/UX Designer / Resercher: development of a digital media product through continuous improvement of it's metrics: search for problem areas of the funnel, hypotheses, tests, data collection andanalysis, redesign, repeated tests, comparative analysis of results.
CJM, JTBD, Personas, Surveys, In-dept interviews, Guerilla testing, Analytics, Marketing analysis.
Target audience
BeInCrypto has two different groups of the main customer: website visitors and Ads partners.

Website visitors - people interested in crypto technologies:
- Beginners - who are just taking their first steps into the world of cryptocurrencies;

- Advanced - level users who know how to buy / sell and know the basic things about cryptocurrencies;

- Experts- users who trade, invest, or participateв in cryptocurrencies development;

B2B Ads partners - people created crypto technologyes and busineses.
Key challenges or constraints
UX metrics:
- Avg. Session Duration

- Page per session

- Bounce rate
Product metrics:
- Affiliate clicks conversion

- Banners clicks conversion

- Telegram Community conversion
Design concept
Bold blocky font, contrasting neon color scheme, and clean open layout - everything that's needed for the user to feel in the crypto world and comfortably navigate through the space of knowledge.
Design system
I worked with a consistent design system, adding new elements and components to it.

During the work, the harmonic correspondence of the graphical characteristics in the system was strictly observed, as well as the technical characteristics necessary for the effective implementation of the elements in the code.
One Reseach Example
⭐️ DIBB ⭐️
BET ->
Most of the company's profits came from the News and Learn article pages, but Affiliative click conversion as well as Avg. Session Duration and Bouce rate did not show the best results.

From Guerilla testing with 30 respondents, we saw that it is not convenient for users to read articles on the site due to the dense text of articles, the abundance of blinking ads and the lack of logic in its placement (position in the text and the meaning of advertising).
BET ->
We can achieve more revenue from Ads by making it more native and less visually annoying, by increasing Avg. Session Duration and the Trust to the content, including Ad content.
We believe that if we change the layout of the Article page, including Ad placements and positioning, it will rise Avg. Session Duration aa well as Affiliative click conversion and reduce Bouce rate.
BET ->
Design changes:- Intro-block,
- text layout,
- positioning and type of advertising.
Succsess Criteria:
- > 10% improvements of this metrics in avg.:

UX metrics:- Avg. Session Duration: (from 00:00:43)
- Bounce rate: (from 85.50%)
Product metrics:- Affiliate clicks conversion: (from 1.23%)
- Banners clicks conversion: (from 2.63%)

Design changes
According to the results of the research, it was decided to change: the design of the intro-block, the text layout, positioning and type of advertising.
Before -> After
Objective results
As a result of UX improvements and the change in the Ads Promotion Strategy, the UX and Product metrics have increased.
AB testing results of UX metrics:

- Avg. Session Duration: 00:00:43 → 00:01.16 (~2.6X growth)

- Bounce rate: 85.50% → 63.30% (~1.3X growth)
AB testing results of Product metrics:

- Affiliate clicks conversion: 1.23% → 4.95% (4X growth)

- Banners clicks conversion: 2.63% → 4.43% (~1.7X growth)


Service of automatic preparation of a tax Declarations on operations of Russian brokers.
Created by NDFL.Guru
8 min read
Create easy, clear and consistent design system for MVP of Tax service with an image of a modern it-legal tech product.
Product Designer, Copywriter, Illustrator, Product Management, Programmer (No-code tools)
Project goals and objectives
The service should simplify the task of the tax preparation for the Russian investors who paying taxes on profits from investments in Russian companies.

Therefore, UX design challenge is to create the friendly clear interface to simplifying the task for them as much as possible.

UI design should evoke a feeling of lightness, freedom, and simplicity.
Target audience
The target audience is the investors in the Russian market. They are focused on comfort and stability and don't want to take risks playing with a government.

They want to pay the taxes to the state, but they don't want to waste time preparing tax documents. Also they want to save the money, so the design doesn't want to tell about expensiveness.
Design concept
Minimalistic modern UI with an image of lightness, freedom, and simplicity: clear layout with a lot of free space, light, calm and positive color scheme, open, and soft shapes of buttons, and shadows, uncomplicated 3d illustration - all telling about friendly and easy user experience.
MVP functionality of the product should be very easy so i chose the quiz-system for it. I created basic UX wireframes with step-by-step actions.
Design concept
Based on the chosen Design concept, I created UI Kit and design Guide for whole service.

It was included logo, typography, color pallets, basic components, buttons, and their states. It also includes several styles of tone of voices, different for different parts of the project: onboarding, instructions and technical support, and the rules of behavior with clients.

I implemented the Kit for all parts of the product: website, web App, landing pages, and banners for marketing campaigns and exhibitions, business cards, and social pages design.
Future recommendations
The service is currently in the hypothesis testing stage, and if it is popular with users, i will scale the MVP to an extended version of the product with additional functionality, using the capabilities of the existing balanced design system.

Want to work together?

If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!