The first service for automatic preparation of tax and management reporting for investors and traders.
8 min read
Creating an easy and convenient UX for the complex task of tax reporting.
Product Designer, Copywriter, Product Management, Programmer (No-code tools)
Key results
conversion rate
conversion rate
Project goals and objectives
NDFL.Guru - is a legal tech startup that helps investors and traders prepare tax reports quickly and reliably.

It takes much time and requires immersion in the intricacies of tax legislation for preparing a package of documents for paying taxes from investment activities. In addition, there is no convenient program for self-calculation of taxes on investment operations and trading activities. As a result, people who aim to earn money on smart transactions quickly or save money for future comfort lose time on the routine task of tax reporting to the government.

So the purpose of the service is to make many financial reporting and management tasks easier.

Therefore, UX design challenge is to create a simple multifunctional balance interface.

UI design in this case should also evoke a feeling of lightness, freedom, and simplicity.
As a product designer, at first, I did marketing and user research, creating user personas, CJMs, wireframes, low and high-fidelity prototypes. I have created a convenient and understandable interface for filling out forms with tax reporting, taking into account the nuances of the technology stack used.

I have prepared instructions for onboarding on the site.

The project was needed to make many web instructions for the web app with the ability to quickly update the text in it. For the speed up the development, I created them in Notion plus the Super widget, so the instruction pages looks exactly like other app screens.

I took part in the development of the tariff schedule from the point of view of understanding the user audience.

I realized marketing programs: ideas, copywriting, images and illustrations, landing pages.

In my working process, i interacted with various company's teams and there employees: product, development, content, technical support, marketing and high management.

I'm working with a classical Product thinking methodology: emphasize, define, ideate, prototype and test for the continuously improve the product for the needs of the users.
My role & process
Target audience
I created two different personas to represent our groups of users.

The first persona - is investor Michael. The man who want a save his money. He oriented toward comfort, and stability, and don't want to have a problems with a government.

The second - is a trader Andrew, who like the risk but don't want to lose time on routine things.

This difference i reflected in the design of the product: comfort, predictable ux patterns with modern ui design.
Key challenges or constraints
1. There are two different groups of users with there own expectations and levels of IT knowledge.

2. Thanks to the unique product code, the user no longer needs to independently calculate the transactions, however, filling out the declaration is still a long and unpleasant process. It was necessary to make it as simple and easy as possible.
Research study details
I conducted a contextual study, asking 40 investors and traders how they handle the tasks of counting their transactions, summarizing revenue, and preparing tax returns.

I also did a web market research comparing our product's competitors. However, the niche of automatic declaration preparation is still not occupied, which means that that process automation is our main advantage.

Based on this research i created CJM for MVP and first lo-fi prototype. I tested it with a group of potential users to identify the problem fields in user journey and create an empathy maps for it. It allowed me to solve the protentional UX problems.
Design concept
I created UI Kit and design Guide for whole service: web site, web app and marketing materials. It was include logo, typography, color pallets, basic components, buttons, and their states. It also includes a number of tone of voices, different for different parts of the project: onboarding, instructions and technical support, and the rules of behavior with clients.

To sum up, it creates full image of the product for customer. I've chose the design concept, based on target user's taste and design goals of the product.
From wireframes to prototypes
When creating the prototype, I relied on an existing program for professional accountants, adapting the functionality for a lightweight UX.

Together with a tax specialist, we checked all the nuances of existing tax laws when creating the steps of our service.

It was also important, to pay attention to the growth of the company, adding new functionality and products.

After the screens were approved, i implemented the design rules to all screens in the application.

After that, I created the main web-pages, which tells about the benefits of the product as well as marketing materials for advertising on external platforms and on-line and off-line exhibitions and conferences.
User testing results
After creating the first prototype, i started with a final round of user testing: 2 groups of 30 people each - investors and traders. It was also remote moderated usability testing of the functionality and convenience of the service.

From collected data and empathy maps, I understood that the main pain point for our users was the products & cart page. It was complicated for the users to understand the information about counting of transactions and choose the right product plan.

Also i realized that would be better to combine the product and cart pages for the rising quantity of purchases.

I simplified and complained the information and reorganized shopping cart. The updated cart appeared in the right sidebar.

This approach was successful in the second round of usability testing.
Final designs
The final design meets all the goals of convenience and ease of filing tax returns. I also created it with a scalable modular and balanced design system, taking into account future company development and appearance of a new products.
We've changed the Product because the market was changed
In response to the changing situation in the Russian market after February 24th, we've decided to change the style of our product to be more innovative and lighter to use.

Our hypothesis was that in a tense psychological atmosphere, people would want to use a service that gives them a sense of pleasant relaxation during use, while also providing a sense of calmness by trasting high-tech product.

Abstract gradient backgrounds of bright colors create a feeling of lightness, while 3D graphics and icons give a sense of technology. We also decided to forgo illustrations (except for icons and the illustration on the main CTA on the first screen of the page) in favor of easy-to-read text. The backgrounds took on the role of creating a certain atmosphere.
We also changed our approach to promoting the product in the market, giving preference to advertising on social media rather than native advertising, as we did in previous years.
Future recommendations
For the next step, company have a plan to represent this product in the European marketplace. So for the next step, i will research the web market in these countries and collect the data for the design updating.

NDFL.Guru has also created a social media - The point of truth. Where an experts explain to the people the new articles in the financial and tax fields of government laws.